Sober Transport to & from Addiction Treatment Facilities
Our Sober Escorts assist clients to treatment following an intervention or decision to enter treatment, between treatment programs and care providers, and/or back home from treatment. The period of transition to, between, and from treatment is a highly sensitive and crucial period in successful recovery. We are also very familiar with the fear and uncertainty associated with the decision to admit oneself, family member, or client to addiction treatment. We’ve been there. Sober Escorts, Inc. has safely assisted clients and loved ones on their journey to, in between, and from treatment for almost a decade. Our escorts are experienced and able to address concerns, allay fears, and impart the knowledge that the client has made the best decision of their lives and that they have the powerful choice to keep making those healthy decisions.
A Sober Escort can accompany you on your journey to or from treatment and help make sure you arrive safely and comfortably!
Sober Escorts, Inc. offers three basic types of Sober Transport services:
- From home/detox/jail to treatment
- From treatment to extended care/sober living
- From treatment to home
Personal & Professional Sober Transport Experience
Sober Escorts, Inc. was originally formed to primarily assist individuals traveling to and returning from residential treatment programs for alcohol and drug addiction and mental health disorders. Over ten years ago our founder, Rick Parrish, was still a client in a residential treatment program for his own addiction when he noticed that many of his friends were struggling as they left the structure and support of the addiction treatment center. Several people he had gotten close to while in the treatment facility had not been able to stay sober in their first 72 hours of “freedom.” He thought to himself that “Maybe if they’d had someone to go with them and help them stay safe and get plugged into their local recovery community, maybe then they’d have been alright.” And with that, Sober Escorts was born.
Sober Escorts, Inc. specializes in ensuring that clients arrive safely and comfortably at their intended destination. Traveling to, from, or between treatment programs or rehab facilities can be an extremely stressful time.
Complex itineraries, intoxication, unfamiliar places, and a wavering commitment can all jeopardize an individual’s chances of successfully arriving at a treatment program.
Our escorts are able to address concerns, allay fears, and impart the knowledge that the client has made the best decision of their lives and that they have the powerful choice to keep making those healthy decisions. Many of our escorts have been through this themselves. They will lend their strength, encouragement, and support to the client in an effort to insure a successful trip to the addiction treatment center.
Our Sober Transport services help protect the time, money, and energy that you have invested in the recovery process.
We’ll Take Care of Everything
We will meet the client wherever they are—their home, apartment, hotel, jail, airport, rehab facility —and we will stay by their side until they are safe and comfortable at their desired destination. We will help remind and reinforce the client of their recovery tools if they are tempted toward relapse. We will help the client manage the stress of travel. If having possession of money is triggering for the client, we will gladly pick up anything they need so they can travel without the stress of handling cash. If the client is to be out of treatment for more than 24 hours, we will ensure they get to a 12-step meeting or other mutual support meeting.
Sober Escorts, Inc. will design and implement a smooth travel itinerary, providing practical support, assistance, understanding and encouragement along the client’s journey to a new care provider. Clients often need assistance traveling and transitioning between care providers. Qualified sober escorts can accompany clients on this journey. Often, there are pressing matters at home that must be dealt with before moving on to the next destination. This can be a dangerous and stressful time. In this type of situation our escort will perform all the services covered in “Back Home from Treatment.”
Back Home from Treatment
Sober Escorts, Inc. has years of real-world experience in assisting clients with their transition from treatment back to everyday living.
Our escort will meet the client at discharge from the rehab facility, accompany them on their trip home, and within the first 24 hours after discharge, attend with them their first AA or NA or appropriate group meeting.
We will continue with at least one meeting per day for the duration of our contract. We will go early to the meetings, and stay late, and encourage the client to meet people and get phone numbers for an added level of support. We will jog with them, meditate with them, go to stressful meetings as “advisors,” or whatever the situation calls for. Our escort will work with the client to make their home a clean and sober environment, ensuring that all drugs and alcohol are removed. In addition,we will do our utmost to see that the client follows through with their recommended discharge and wellness plans.
We aim to make Sober Transport easy on everyone involved. Give us a call! We will take care of arranging flights, rental cars, hotels, and whatever else is necessary to get your self or your loved one safely to their destination. We will always utilize the most economical methods of travel available to us, unless you request otherwise. We will take care of the logistical details and provide you with a single invoice so you can stay focused on the recovery process.
Please call us today at 1-(877) 218-3800 to discuss Sober Transport services for yourself or a loved one, and any specific needs. Each client has unique needs. To discuss yours, please contact us directly.
Sober Escorts, Inc. operates worldwide, with services available in most metropolitan centers, including New York, Los Angeles, Miami, Chicago, San Francisco, London, Paris, and many more.
“We Care – We’ve Been There”
“Do not wait; the time will never be ‘just right’. Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along.”
– Napoleon Hill
“Rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life.”
– J.K. Rowling
Contact Us
Hours of Operation
Mon-Fri 9a-9p Eastern (EDT)
Sat & Sun 10a-7p Eastern (EDT)
Main: 352-236-0127
Toll Free: 877-218-3800
[email protected]
Mailing Address
Sober Escorts, Inc.
351 NE 8th Ave
Ocala, FL 34470

“My experience is that addiction and/or trauma treatment can be a life changing experience – if you get there. To get to or from treatment safely, for myself or for a loved one, there isn’t anyone that I would trust more than Sober Escorts.”
“I was no novice when it came to chemical dependency treatment. When I admitted this last time I felt that it was just an effort in futility. On the way to the treatment center my sober escort gave me the encouragement and the hope I needed. Now that I’ve been discharged, Sober Escorts is still a part of my support network. I’ve called several times. They have always made themselves available. I don’t always hear what I’d like to but I do hear what I need to. They do care and I am truly grateful for them.”
“If it weren’t for Sober Escorts (Rick) I definitely would not have made it to treatment safely. When I arrived at the airport Rick was there on time and waiting. The ride was great. Good music and laid back atmosphere. Rick is an easy person to get along with so conversation was good. Since Rick is in the program it took the edge off the ride and allowed me to not stress out as much. My experience was a good one with Sober Escorts and I would choose them again.”