Sober Escorts, Inc.
Anyone who has ever attempted to intervene and change the course of someone suffering from drug or alcohol abuse knows it is not for the faint of heart. People who are active in their addiction don’t have much empathy for the havoc they wreak or the pain they inflict on the people who love them. Those struggling with substance use disorders can leave a wide swath of destruction in their wake, but, try as their loved ones might to save them, most are not equipped to battle the monster of addiction.
Sober Escorts, Inc. provides a full spectrum of specialized services for individuals addicted to drugs and alcohol that are designed to get addicts into treatment, and to secure their sobriety upon discharge from rehab.
From staging an expert intervention and transporting the individual suffering from addiction to a drug or alcohol treatment center to sober escort and companion services following treatment, Sober Escorts, Inc. is your “go-to” company for every aspect of getting help for your loved one.
How Sober Escorts Helps
No matter how sincere your efforts, trying to convince someone that they need help for a drug, alcohol or other addiction and need drug, alcohol or other addiction treatment “rehab” is best left to the professionals. Because the experts at Sober Escorts, Inc. are in recovery themselves, they know firsthand how the addicted mind is wired. They understand how to speak with the addict effectively and persuasively because of their own personal experiences.
Allow a professional at Sober Escorts, Inc. to take the reins and get your loved one safely into treatment for addiction.
Most drug and alcohol rehabilitation facilities are very controlled environments. Being completely segregated from one’s home environment, the recovering addict spends their days in the program shuttling from one group to another, eating at specific times the food that has been prepared for them, and spending free time shooting pool, playing ping pong, watching sports on TV, and socializing with fellow clients. This is not a natural environment. To leave this safe haven and re-enter the life you left behind can introduce a multitude of triggers, leading to relapse.
From the moment a recovering addict leaves the treatment facility he begins the fight of, and for, his or her life. It is not uncommon for someone to leave the treatment program and head straight to the liquor store or to meet up with drug using friends. Relapse threatens to undo all the hard work of detox, group and individual therapy, family therapy, and working the 12 steps when the individual is left to their own devices.
This is where Sober Escorts, Inc. comes in yet again. Our all-encompassing services to assist in relapse prevention are available 24/7 worldwide and we will safely transport anyone to and from a addiction, alcohol or drug treatment center, removing the freedom to choose to use.
Sober Escorts, Inc. has but one mission: To help a client remain clean and sober.
The first year after treatment is incredibly difficult and the recovering addict is very vulnerable to relapse. Sober Escorts, Inc. can mitigate this risk in many ways with its many relapse prevention services.
A Multitude of Addiction Recovery Services
While researching addiction treatment facilities and programs, a plan should also be in place for aftercare. Although most treatment facilities do provide some aftercare services, the problem arises when a newly sober client is beset with triggers that can lead to relapse just by being on his or her own. The addicted mind is very cunning and impulsive, and subconsciously various stressors in the client’s home environment can swiftly gain the upper hand.
By putting in place the services of Sober Escorts, Inc. before entering treatment the odds of success will increase exponentially.
Our team includes:
Our sober escort services deliver clients to detox, we take them from detox to the primary treatment facility, and we transport the client from the treatment facility to their home or sober living residence. We drive clients from home to and from their AA meetings or to outpatient services, including doctor’s appointments and therapy.
During treatment, Sober Escorts, Inc. is available to safely transport the client from treatment to a court appearance, a funeral, a child’s graduation, a wedding—any important life event that they don’t want to miss, but need a sober escort to accompany them, and then back to the treatment facility.
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All of our sober escorts, companions, and coaches are in recovery themselves, with an average of 12 years sobriety among them. Because of this, our team is acutely aware of the behaviors and comments that signal an impending relapse and can intervene, preventing relapse.
We take great care to match our clients with sober escorts, sober companions and sober coaches who share interests with them and are compatible. Our sober companions accompany the client throughout the days, guiding them towards developing new, healthy habits which encourage continued sobriety and solidify their recovery.
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Like sober companions, our sober coaches also encourage the development of healthy habits, relationships, and continuing with 12-step meetings to help solidify recovery. Our sober coaches, again because they know what to look for, can spot probable triggers and prevent relapses by proactively addressing them. A sober coach can be incredibly important to the efforts of long-term sobriety, as they guide the client through a vulnerable period in recovery.
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Our experts understand the fear and uncertainty of entering treatment, so the interventionist will treat the client respectfully. Sober Escorts, Inc. has associations with quality treatment centers around the world. When the client agrees to go in to a treatment facility, Sober Escorts, Inc. is able to direct them to a quality treatment center in their area, and then safely transport them to it.
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An experienced single point of contact who coordinates services on a client’s behalf between addiction treatment centers, sober living facilities, therapists, coaches, doctors, lawyers, court systems, hospitals, pharmacies, transportation companies, and other professionals, facilities and service providers, helps a client stay successfully in recovery. Our expert case managers place emphasis on the unique needs of the client, crafting an individual plan that will best serve the client.
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Our goal is to We support every client in creating a smooth transition in leaving from structured treatment to a balanced and enjoyable life in recovery at home. Learn more…
After the initial assessment, our we will offer the client what has been determined to be the three best fits for treatment programs. Once the client selects the treatment facility of their choice, Sober Escorts, Inc. will transport them safely to detox and/or treatment.
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Sober Escorts History
Founder and President, Rick Parrish, formed Sobers Escorts, Inc. back in 2004 after he witnessed friends who had successfully completed a treatment program, just to relapse in the first days after discharge. He was motivated to initiate transit services that would safely transport a newly recovering addict from rehab to sober living, and to stay with the person for the first few days or weeks. He instinctively knew that such a service could make a difference between sobriety and relapse, or even death.
Rick Parrish understands the addicted mindset and wanted to make a difference in the field of recovery. By meeting the clients upon discharge and getting them to their first meeting, he knew these services could prove instrumental in the client’s ability to sustain their sobriety. Rick helped the clients clean out their homes, offices, and cars and helped get them grounded in recovery in their own geographical area.
Rick’s dedication to helping people remain clean and sober is what drives him. His company, Sober Escorts, Inc., is poised to do whatever it takes to get a client into treatment and then to preventing relapse at all costs.
Make Sober Escorts, Inc. an important part of your or your loved one’s treatment plan! These specialized services are what will ultimately make the difference between succeeding and failing in sobriety.
Call us 8am to 11pm (Eastern Time) for a confidential and free screening at: (877) 218-3800.
Sober Escorts, Inc.’s services are available in all major metropolitan cities worldwide, including Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Miami, London, Paris and many more.
“We Care – We’ve Been There”
Read More On Our Blog
Blog Post – A Real Letter from the road of real recovery
The road of recovery is real-world, and in that spirit we gratefully share this letter, unedited & in its entirety, from a valued Client as our blog post this week.
“When I first came to know Jamie, Rick, […]
Contact Us
Hours of Operation
Mon-Fri 9a-9p Eastern (EDT)
Sat & Sun 10a-7p Eastern (EDT)
Main: 352-236-0127
Toll Free: 877-218-3800
[email protected]
Mailing Address
Sober Escorts, Inc.
351 NE 8th Ave
Ocala, FL 34470

“My experience is that addiction and/or trauma treatment can be a life changing experience – if you get there. To get to or from treatment safely, for myself or for a loved one, there isn’t anyone that I would trust more than Sober Escorts.”
“Sober Escorts is by far the very best of its kind in this field. Never once, have I had any problems with this company. They are always professional and responsible. But, more than that, they are compassionate and kind and respectful to all of their clients. The owners are remarkable people, straightforward, honest and the warmest, most caring people one could ever imagine. I can refer my clients to Sober Escort and never give it another thought because I don’t think, I know, they are in the very best hands. Thank you Sober Escorts for being amazing!”
“I was no novice when it came to chemical dependency treatment. When I admitted this last time I felt that it was just an effort in futility. On the way to the treatment center my sober escort gave me the encouragement and the hope I needed. Now that I’ve been discharged, Sober Escorts is still a part of my support network. I’ve called several times. They have always made themselves available. I don’t always hear what I’d like to but I do hear what I need to. They do care and I am truly grateful for them.”
“If it weren’t for Sober Escorts (Rick) I definitely would not have made it to treatment safely. When I arrived at the airport Rick was there on time and waiting. The ride was great. Good music and laid back atmosphere. Rick is an easy person to get along with so conversation was good. Since Rick is in the program it took the edge off the ride and allowed me to not stress out as much. My experience was a good one with Sober Escorts and I would choose them again.”
“The sober companion helped me develop social skills, build confidence in myself, and set and achieve personal goals. He challenged me in ways that helped me grow as a person and helped me move towards independence and self sufficiency. I continue to apply the skills he taught me in my life today, and as a result, I continue to move forward in life as a productive member of society.”
“I want to thank you for all your support and guidance over the last few weeks. Your professionalism, insight, and advice kept me on the right track and I am so grateful for that. I so appreciate the fact that I could call you at any time and you were ready to help. The world is a better place because of your dedication – you are making a difference and what can be better than that! Thanks again.”
“Chris was very professional and helpful. I could call him anytime during the intervention process for my son.”
“The Refuge has been working with Sober Escorts since they transported their first client successfully to treatment. We have come to rely on the exceptional service and professionalism they provide for our clients by transports to and from treatment, Interventions, case management services for our alumni and sober companions. Sober Escorts has shown love, compassion and integrity in their interactions with clients, staff and families. They have shown through the quality of their work that they not only care but are as invested in our clients’ success as we are.”
“On our first phone conversation you warned me that if our daughter went to a rehab addition facility, she would hate it for the first two weeks. And of course that happened. What wasn’t evident at the time, was this normal “hate” or the level of that which we experienced before with flashbacks, injuries, and hospitalizations? So my initial hope was just to get her through the first two weeks. Then we had to redefine, what constituted two weeks…her arrival during family week, her “almost leaving with her suitcase”,her hospitalization? But through it all, you told us to hang in there, or that if need be you would move her to another facility. At the end of two weeks, she returned from the second treatment center ready to do it. A “miracle” just as you described it, happened. The only person more surprised than my husband and I, was our daughter herself. and me, was Looking back I think your were our “touchstone” and “personal miracle”.When my husband told me that he called you just to check in, but without any issues or concerns…I could only smile.
Thank you so much for what you have given our daughter, my husband, and me. Our hope is that when our daughter is ready to consider after-care, that you will gently lead her to the right program, just as you did with the initial treatment center.”
“Thank you so much for everything. Your company is wonderful and our son’s Sober Companion was absolutely amazing! My son thought he was awesome. He helped make a very difficult situation better than we thought possible!”
Hi Rick–it’s me, from Toronto. You escorted me from here to Palm Springs last October. My wife and I were just talking about how kind, empathetic and trustworthy you were. You really helped us in our time of need. I am 4+ months sober and going strong.
Thank you!6 months later, from the same Client:
Hey Rick, just wanted to let you know I got my 1 year medallion last night!
Thanks again for your kindness and help. We all remember you fondly and the great service you did for me and my family.
Blessings5 years later, from the same Client:
Forgot to email you last November buddy. 5 years and going strong! As always, I am grateful for your help in the beginning.
Warm Regards
” I couldn’t be more pleased with the sober companion working with our son. He is truly a blessing to my son, his sobriety, and me. In the seven years that he has struggled with his addiction since the traumatic and sudden death of his dad, we have never experienced a professional who has so deeply and profoundly cared about his success. For this, as well as the sober companion’s technical competencies and intuitive sense of who my son is and his needs, I am deeply grateful. He has been spot on in every instance. Please pass my comments on to the sober companion. Being in the service industry myself, I know feedback is always appreciated!”
My first contact with Sober Escorts came at a crisis point . My daughter had discharged herself from a detox facility in CA and quickly drank a bottle of vodka, supplemented with cocaine and other drugs. We were trying to get her to a long term treatment facility in FL, but she would need to go through detox again before being admitted. That left a lot of time for her to change her mind, lose her willingness and bolt again. The treatment facility put me in touch with Jamie, the executive director at Sober Escorts, to arrange transportation to the detox facility and then hopefully the treatment center. There were lots of moving parts and my daughter was at the height of her disease, meaning denial, rebelliousness and acting out. I was desperately trying to coordinate this from across the country. The first thing Jamie did was to suggest a different detox than the one that had been recommended. She shared her reasoning, which included how much more user friendly the staff and programming were at the place of her choice. It was obvious that there was no professional affiliation, and NO reason for Jamie to do this, except for the fact that she had listened very closely to my story and understood on a deep level how tenuous the situation was. What subsequently amazed me was that my daughter LOVED the program- saying in fact that she wished she could stay there. All parents of addicts reading this will understand how completely unlikely that outcome was. No one likes detox ever! It is the beginning of a painful journey, but usually so short itself that you can’t make lasting ties with staff or peers. Plus, my daughter had left the last detox AMA and was not in a state of mind that could be characterized as “willingness.” ALL I wanted was for her to complete her detox, and I certainly never expected her to like it. The point of this story is that Jamie took the initiative to provide my family with help that I wouldn’t have even known was there- at an absolutely critical juncture. I think being in a detox that she liked was a turning point for my daughter – who went on to complete her six month treatment in FL.I then used Sober Escorts to provide all transportation she needed throughout her six month stay. Shortly after her first transition from detox to treatment, my daughter said “how great to have the first person I met down here be a young woman, whom I could clearly relate to, saying she used to me like me, but I could be like her,” (sober, happy, healthy, working, etc.). I NEVER had given that angle a thought – my only idea was employing a transport service that would be safe, secure, and not vulnerable to addict manipulations! Once again, this was a careful choice by Jamie, going above and beyond what I even knew to ask for. Six months later I can say that Jamie and Sober Escorts were completely reliable, reasonable, fair and trustworthy. In any service provided to addicts there are likely to be unforeseen complications. Jamie was thoughtful, compassionate and creative in her approach to problem solving – again providing service well beyond what I was asking for.
Initially, I had to take a leap of faith in trusting Sober Escorts with my most precious cargo. As you might discern from my various descriptions, we are a family that has had 5 years of involvement with various treatment facilities, and services to families living with addiction. The service provided by Jamie and other Sober Escorts staff was superb on all levels, and I would recommend them in a heartbeat to all who are struggling with the impact of this horrible disease.
Jamie – I came across your Sober Escort site and thought of you WE ARE SO GRATEFUL FOR HELPING EMILY BECOME THE PERSON SHE IS TODAY. YOU SAVED HER LIFE AND WE ARE BEYOND GRATEFUL!It will be 10 years sober for Emily on April 23. You would be so proud of
that girl. She works the program so hard and sponsors, sponsors, sponsors. She works in a detox unit, talks on the phone non-stop with troubled teens and last month helped a family with an intervention. Her dedication to THE PROGRAM was built with your help and you will always hold a bright spot in our family.Forever Grateful,
– Emily’s Mom