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"We Care - We've Been There."
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"We Care - We've Been There."
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Segue to Successful Recovery – From Substance Abuse Treatment to Home Without Interruption

Segue - Substance abuse treatment

Se-gue – / ‘segwA’ /
Verb: 1. To proceed to what follows without pause 2. (in music and film) moving without interruption from one song, melody, or scene into another “allowing one scene to segue into the next…”

Segue is a highly individualized 2 week plan of action, designed to assist clients with their sobriety & recovery as they transition from treatment to home. Our service offers direct one on one Support, Encouragement, Guidance, Understanding, and Empathy during a time when it’s needed most..


TOLL FREE: 877-269-4672

Why Segue?

Countless rehabilitation facilities have proven indispensable to clients and families from all walks of life. Primary substance abuse treatment allows one to sober up and learn the root causes of their issues while putting into place some new skills and tools for recovery post treatment. Rehab is about Discovery and beginning. Segue is about continuing to put that discovery into successful motion.

Research supports the evidence that treatment works while clients are In treatment; however, when treatment ends, the statistics are not very encouraging. Multiple sources cite from 60 to 90 percent of the people who enter recovery will relapse during their first year out of treatment for drug or alcohol addiction. If a client is not moving on to Extended Care or Sober Living, walking out of treatment without direct guidance & support, usually leads one to old thoughts & behaviors, both of which can start spinning out of control quickly as triggers are everywhere and humans are creatures of habit.

John, a former client shares his story of his first treatment discharge:

“I was going home after completing a detox and 30 days of inpatient treatment (36 days total). My counselor encouraged me to attend step down care, but I felt good and needed to get back to my life. When I walked into my house, the first thing I noticed was my Chair- not my wife or kids – not even my home—just My chair– where I sat & drank until I passed out night after night, and there she was… sitting in her rightful spot just waiting for me. And when I sat down in my chair that night, I unconsciously or subconsciously started a series of thoughts and behaviors, which sabotaged me before I ever really even got started. It took many years before I was able to get out of that chair again.”

The truth is that far too many recovering people have lost hard earned clean time after treatment over a seemingly innocuous bottle of Vanilla extract in the cupboard, a forgotten bottle stashed at the back of a closet, or an old pill bottle overlooked in their medicine cabinet. In the beginning, intentions are good, but real life without treatment friends isn’t fun or easy, and when they’re gone, you end up responsible for finding your own answers, comfort, and recovery.

Segue will send a professional companion usually chosen BY YOU to stand with you early on—helping you to put into practice all that you learned in treatment.

By implementing an effective action strategy paired with your discharge plan, we together can design a plan to help you live and love your life free of addictive substances, poor impulse control, and obsessive thoughts & behaviors until you have your own supports and recovery community in place. As stated earlier, Treatment Works – the results are indisputable, but when staff stops knocking on your door ever hour telling you where to go, most will often go back to where they know or what they knew, — and that rarely ends up well.


Segue to the Light

Recovery is about change – and change only happens with unfailing commitment and practice. By nature, we are creatures of habit and without repetition and rehearsal, we return to what is easy and normal. – for most of us, that’s drink, drug, & misery.

Segue is offered exclusively to those in early recovery who are completing treatment and returning home. Experience has taught us that leaving treatment is often more challenging than entering, so we step in where treatment leaves off, giving every client better odds for long term success.  We help clients plug into their own recovery outside of structured addiction treatment with the right skills and tools. All Segue plans are created between client, companion, and other requested team members. Plans are ok to be negotiated and are distinctively different since every person leaves treatment in their own unique state of mind and process. Prior to beginning of a Segue plan, our client is given 3 companions to interview. Each client is paired with a companion whose expertise is compatible with client and other needs.

Segue increases your odds for success because we stay with you while you put into practice the art of successfully living sober outside of a structured treatment facility. Our objective is to professionally assist clients in establishing a successful daily routine of recovery in their home environments. Our goal is to help each client in finding balance in his or her recovery.

“We Care- We’ve Been There.”

Our Experience

The Segue team has experience working with a wide range of issues including:

  • Alcoholism/Drug Addiction
  • Sex/Love Addiction – relationship issues
  • Codependency/Family Challenges
  • Eating Disorders
  • Internet/Gaming Addictions
  • Gambling Addiction
  • Depression & Anxiety
  • Trauma & PTSD

Our mission is to assist clients in a smooth transition from treatment to home, utilizing an operational action plan created to allow each person to live his or her life free from harmful substances and process addictions. Helping clients to create their own ritual, routine, responsibility, and accountability as they learn to live in positive mental, spiritual, & physical health while practicing a life of balance in recovery in their own home.

Empowerment in Recovery

Recovery is a program of attraction. Your companion will expertly demonstrate life is infinitely more enjoyable, more fulfilling, and even more fun without drugs and alcohol in it. – We know that’s a hard bit to chew on in the beginning, but ask people who have been sober for a long while and you’ll find for most, it’s true. It takes time and practice, yet if you believe, you can.

Providing support and accountability, companions assist clients with:

  • Learning to have fun in recovery while establishing community, practicing self care, and mastering important life skills.
  • Following through on your discharge treatment plan including: Continuing care, IOP, PHP, Individual, group, or experiential therapy.
  • Engaging in local 12-step fellowship, Smart Recovery or what works for you.
  • Medication management: medication-monitoring services offered as needed.
  • Exercise, Nutrition, Structure, and Organization.
  • Meditation, holistic healing, yoga, mindfulness, breathwork, neuro or biofeedback.

Creating YOUR Recovery.

This is what it’s all About…

“My name is JJ, and I havetakeflightsoberescorts been and currently am a client with sober escorts. I could not be any happier and or better off than I am now through the help and support of sober escorts. It has helped me immensely with sobriety and life in general. The great people I have worked with have truly cared and been super willing to support my efforts to stay sober and happy with my self. I have 7 months of sobriety now and all that is attributed to the benefits and  of sober escorts, and I would probably be struggling a lot with recovery if I chose a different path after my rehabilitation. I truly love life now and all of that l owe to my god and sober escorts!”

– Client Testimonial, 2015

Segue with Sober Escorts, Inc.

               Support       Engagement       Guidance       Understanding       Empathy

Move without interruption….Segue

Sober Escorts, Inc. operates worldwide, with services available in most metropolitan centers, including New York, Los Angeles, Miami, Chicago, San Francisco, London, Paris, and many more.  Each client has unique needs. To discuss yours, please contact us directly.

Contact Us

Hours of Operation
Mon-Fri 9a-9p Eastern (EDT)
Sat & Sun 10a-7p Eastern (EDT)

Main:  352-236-0127
Toll Free:  877-218-3800


[email protected]

Mailing Address
Sober Escorts, Inc.
351 NE 8th Ave
Ocala, FL 34470


National Association of Addiction treatment providers


“My experience is that addiction and/or trauma treatment can be a life changing experience – if you get there. To get to or from treatment safely, for myself or for a loved one, there isn’t anyone that I would trust more than Sober Escorts.”
Shawn, Client, Seattle, Washington
“I was no novice when it came to chemical dependency treatment. When I admitted this last time I felt that it was just an effort in futility. On the way to the treatment center my sober escort gave me the encouragement and the hope I needed. Now that I’ve been discharged, Sober Escorts is still a part of my support network. I’ve called several times. They have always made themselves available. I don’t always hear what I’d like to but I do hear what I need to. They do care and I am truly grateful for them.”
Debbie, Client, Rancho Palisverdes, CA
“If it weren’t for Sober Escorts (Rick) I definitely would not have made it to treatment safely. When I arrived at the airport Rick was there on time and waiting. The ride was great. Good music and laid back atmosphere. Rick is an easy person to get along with so conversation was good. Since Rick is in the program it took the edge off the ride and allowed me to not stress out as much. My experience was a good one with Sober Escorts and I would choose them again.”
Sarah, Client, Nashville, TN